After explaining his role as a manager in the world of Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Jordan “Next” Savelli speaks without filter about some hot topics of the CS:GO scene.
Jordan Savelli Next

Here are our Quick Questions, a mish-mash of questions to get to know your favorite athletes and progamer.

After explaining his role as a manager in the world of Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Jordan “Next” Savelli speaks without filter about some hot topics of the CS:GO scene. (Pictures: DR)

What is your best memory?

The Final of ESL One Cologne 2015, even if we lost it, it’s the match which brought me the most emotions ever.

What is your worst memory?

The Finale of ESL One Cologne 2015 (laughs). We were leading 15-8 on the first map with only one round to score to win the first map, we ended up losing 19-15 and we get destroyed on the other map which cost us the defeat.

Who is the best player you had to manage?

It’s hard for me to answer that, I would say Cédric (RpK) because he is so skilled, he is solid in every situation.

I can also say kennyS who is more spectacular.

Who is your best discover ?

RpK, he is such a great guy.

What is your biggest regret in CS: GO?

This is not very good to say it, but maybe to take DEVIL after we kicked kioShiMa.

Why Next as a nickname?

The reason is a bit silly. Back then, I was playing CSS in a cybercafe, I was pretty decent and I used to say ‘Next one, Next one’ after kills. I took Next as a nickname like that.

Do you have a crazy anecdote from LAN?

During ESL One Cologne 2016, we were walking on the streets with the team and my girlfriend. It was the same time when football Euro 2016 happened and the song ‘Will Grigg’s on fire’ was modish. Some people recognised us and they sang ‘Next is on fire’ it was the first time my girlfriend was going on a eSport event and she got surprised to know that I was a little famous. It was cute at the moment, and I was really happy about the situation.

What quality would you take from Niak*?

I would take his skills about communication on an official and institutional side without a doubt.

*Jérôme Sudries, manager of G2eSport

What quality he would take from you?

Maybe my empathic side.

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What is the best managed CS: GO team right now?

Na’Vi. I really respect their manager Ugin.

What is your favourite map?


Your favourite weapon?

AK 47, I also like the AWP but I’m not good with it.

Your favourite nade?

I would say the Molotov. It’s satisfying to drive out people and to burn them.

If you could change something in CS: GO eSport?

I would like to have fewer events and have more people to work on it.

If you could change something in-game?

Surely the hitboxes, especially when you shoot the head from behind.

How much a manager gets paid?

Usually about half of the players.

Describe the french scene whith one word.

Chaotic for the top and unstable for the subtop.

What is your french dream team for 2018?

devoduvek, NBK, ZywOo, RpK and apEX who is the only one who can assume his role of entry at 100%.

What is your international dream team for 2018?

S1mple, dupreeh, Coldzera, NBK who is very versatile and MAJ3R as a leader why not.

What is your dream team to manage?

RpK, devoduvek, TACO, F0rest and Tarik.

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